The term Zoonoses refers to infectious diseases which are transmissible to humans from other animal species.
Some zoonotic diseases such as Avian Influenza and Rabies can be very serious in humans and may cause fatalities.
For people who handle or treat animals on a regular basis, it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with zoonotic diseases.
Despite being able to eliminate all the connected risks, there are numerous steps which can be taken to reduce the likelihood of contracting a form of zoonoses. Some prevention methods include:
- avoiding or minimising contact with potentially infective animals
- using personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling infected animals or their products.
Duty to notify the regulator
There are a number of Zoonotic diseases which require notification to the Regulator. If a worker contracts one of the Zoonotic diseases listed below, a PCBU must ensure the Regulator (SafeWork SA) is notified immediately after becoming aware of it, either by:
- Filling out SafeWork SA’s Notifiable Incident Reporting Form
- Phone call: 1300 365 255
- Email:
SafeWork Australia’s incident notification information sheet provides more information about mandatory reporting requirements.
What Zoonoses are reportable to SafeWork SA?
The following Zoonotic diseases are reportable to SafeWork SA.
For more information, please refer to the information below.
- Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis.
- Anthrax commonly occurs in wild or domesticated warm-blooded grazing animals such as sheep and cattle, however, it can still infect humans.
- Infections can manifest as:
- Cutaneous anthrax: Anthrax bacteria enters the body through broken skin (cuts or abrasions)
- Inhalational anthrax: The breathing in of anthrax spores into the lungs
- Intestinal anthrax: Ingesting contaminated, poorly prepared meat form infected animals
- Although anthrax cases are rare in Australia, treatment with antibiotics is essential.
- only vaccinated people trained in the care of bats should handle them
- closely related to the rabies virus
there are many types of influenza viruses that usually only infect birds, and very rarely an avian influenza virus can also infect people
- there is no vaccination available for human protection; however, the infection can be treated with specific antibiotics
- the bacteria can also be inhaled in dusty animal enclosures, abattoirs and laboratories
- infection is spread through contact of breaks in the skin such as open cuts or sores with infected animal tissue or through the ingestion of unpasteurised milk and dairy products from infected animals
- a bacterial infection caused by a number of types of Brucella bacteria that can cause illness in cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, working dogs and domestic animals
- human infection results from close contact with infected horses and their blood, body fluids and tissues
- natural hosts are flying foxes which can pass on the virus to horses
- a sporadic disease of horses and human that can cause very serious illness and death
- humans become infected by eating parasite eggs, usually when there is a hand-to-mouth transfer of eggs in dog faeces
- caused by a small tapeworm parasite named Echinococcus granulosus
- spread from infected to uninfected pigs primarily through contact with nasal discharges and aerosols from sneezing and coughing
- a cause of contagious respiratory infections in swine herds
- can be treated with specific antibiotics, however, vaccination for human protection is not available in Australia
- caused by bacteria and spread through contact with the urine of infected wild and domestic animals, or water and soil contaminated with infected urine
- is also known as contagious pustular dermatitis, infectious labial dermatitis, ecthyma contagiosum, thistle disease and scabby mouth
- caused by a parapoxvirus occurring primarily in sheep and goats that can infect humans through direct contact with infected animals or fomites such as skin cells, hair and clothing carrying the virus
- an incurable wasting disease found in sheep
- any needle stick injury must be treated immediately by a medical practitioner
- when vaccinating sheep, follow the safety directions and use vaccinating guns with a safety tip on the needle
- is usually transmitted to humans from birds in the parrot family but also found in other species including poultry, pigeons, canaries and seabirds
- caused by the bacteria Chlamydia psittaci
- Q fever is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Coxiella burnetii and is transmitted to humans from indirect or direct contact with animals.
- infection usually occurs from inhaling aerosols and dust contaminated with animal urine, faeces, milk or birthing products
- To find a vaccinator in your state visit the Q fever site
- For more information refer to the Q Fever webpage.
- caused by a parasite known as Toxoplasmosis gondii, which is usually found in cats, other mammals and birds.
- occurs worldwide, with human infection being common