Pyrotechnician licence

You must hold a pyrotechnicians licence or work under the direct supervision of a licensed pyrotechnician to use fireworks (excluding general use fireworks such as sparklers, bon bons, toy pistol caps).

A pyrotechnic licence application must be accompanied by:

  • identification of the applicant and proof of age demonstrating the applicant is at least 21 years of age (must be an original or certified copy)
  • National Police Certificate (Clearance Certificate) demonstrating that the applicant is a fit and proper person, obtainable from your local police station (must be an original or certified copy) - See our security clearance guide for further details
  • colour passport size photograph
  • demonstrated practical experience in the use of fireworks appropriate for the type of licence sought, for example
    • log book demonstrating the applicant has obtained experience in the use of fireworks for which a licence is sought
    • details of any training courses completed and any interstate or overseas licences held
    • details of any training courses completed within the previous 2 years, conducted by a Pyrotechnic Sales Business Licence holder
    • if electrical ignition is sought, a letter from the supplier of the system that training has been provided in its use
    • you are a holder of a licence permitting the use of fireworks in another jurisdiction (you must still submit an application along with a statutory declaration).

For guidance on what is considered appropriate practical experience and instruction to apply for a pyrotechnician licence, please refer to Technical Note 53.

For guidance on fireworks hazard levels, please refer to Technical Note 54.

Pyrotechnician - Application $284 1 year

Pyrotechnic displays business licence

An application must be accompanied by:

For an individual:

For a body corporate:

  • copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
  • copy of the relevant documentation listing all the Directors of the body corporate
  • full name, address and contact details of each of the Directors of the body corporate
  • National Police Certificate (Clearance Certificate) demonstrating that each of the Directors of the body corporate is a fit and proper person, obtainable from your local police station - See our security clearance guide for further details
  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency

For guidance on fireworks hazard levels, please refer to Technical Note 54.

Pyrotechnician - Display business - Application $191 1 year

Pyrotechnic sales business licence

An application must be accompanied by details of:

  • how the applicant proposes to identify the purchaser and verify that the purchaser is a Licensed Pyrotechnician, the holder of a Pyrotechnic Displays Business Licence or the holder of a Pyrotechnic Sales Business Licence (for sales inside South Australia)
  • how the records of sales are to be kept for both inside and outside South Australia
  • the testing program for the fireworks to be sold
  • training courses to be run for the pyrotechnicians to whom fireworks are to be supplied.

For guidance on fireworks hazard levels, please refer to Technical Note 54.

Pyrotechnician - Sales business - Application $191 1 year

Special effect display (SFX)

A special effect firework display is the specialist use of fireworks in association with some other activity. It is an event or activity involving the use of fireworks (other than indoor fireworks or general use fireworks) conducted for the purposes of a stunt, or other special effect, for theatrical, cinematic or other entertainment purposes. In general for a SFX display the use of the fireworks are secondary to the other entertainment.

Depending on the nature of the activity the Pyrotechnician's Licence may be endorsed for a particular SFX (eg using flares when parachute jumping), or the licence may be endorsed at each occurrence of a particular SFX (eg using detonating cord or other high explosives in a film stunt).

For guidance on fireworks hazard levels, please refer to Technical Note 54.

Exempt display permit

Exempt display permit - Application $38.25 per exemption N/A